As UN climate talks begin: The Global Climate Movement rises

The UN climate talks (COP23) open today in Bonn against a backdrop that is as mixed as ever – on the one hand, we have grim news depicting wars, famines, poverty, financial instabilities, terrorist attacks, the rise of extremism (in political spheres and elsewhere) and the resulting forced mass migration, to name just a few…

Divestment from fossil fuels is key to a sustainable, cleaner economy

This week, people all over the world are taking action to divest their institutions from fossil fuels. Hoda Baraka explains why. It is official: data from the UK Met Office, NASA and NOAA demonstrate beyond doubt that 2016 was the warmest year on record. Climate impacts are taking us into uncharted territory while affecting the planet’s most vulnerable people. This is happening…

The Truth the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

The future is not looking good for the fossil fuel industry. The rise of renewable energy and climate policy agreements have created a tipping point marking the end of the dominance of hydrocarbons. Despite the claims that our energy mix can’t function without it, everyday there is news of the closing of coal mines, oil…

The Global Climate Movement is More Powerful than Trump

As the Marrakesh Climate Talks come to an end, there is no denying that the global political landscape has changed with Donald Trump’s election win. But the global climate community remains steadfast. As people from every continent who have spent our lives working for social justice, climate action, and a better future for all, we…

Zero is the essential number for climate action

Prospecting for new fossil fuel has to end if the world is to meet its commitments to curb climate change The most important number in the world of climate action is ZERO: that is how many new fossil fuel projects world leaders can approve and still keep the promises they made under the Paris Climate…

As global temperatures continue to rise, so will people

With countries still approving new fossil fuel energy plants, it’s time for people to hold them accountable For a total of 12 days, tens of thousands of people, in 13 countries took part in an unprecedented world-wide action against fossil fuels, clearly demonstrating the climate movement’s unwavering resolve to keep all coal, oil and gas…

The Global South: The Heart of the Break Free Movement

Communities worldwide, especially in the resource-rich Global South, have been fighting against the environmental, social, economic and political destruction inflicted by the fossil fuel industry for decades. Unfortunately many in power in developing economies still cling to the fallacy that progress is only possible by using fossil fuels, rather than taking the opportunity to leapfrog…

With great (financial) power, comes great (moral) responsibility

It’s time for the world’s largest national fund to stop profiting from climate destruction It is no longer conceivable to speak about climate change in abstract terms. The reality is stark with news of extreme weather events making the headlines almost daily. Unfortunately these disasters have given contemporary society a cruel feel of what may…

People’s Climate Mobilization: A Global Invitation

To change everything, we need everyone. This September, world leaders are coming to New York City to talk about how to address the climate crisis. This is a crucial moment; we’re at a crossroads. We can and must change course by building a new economy through efforts to reconceive corporations and redefine economic progress. We…